Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why is it?

I received an email from one of my aunts not too long ago. There were twenty or so statements in the email, making fun of how cause and effect works sometimes, and other questions about how the world works. Here I will reproduce a few, because I could use another laugh. I'll also include my thoughts on them, however inaccurate they may be.

- Why do we press harder on the remote control buttons even when we know the batteries are almost dead? (I've never seen this or thought of doing it. strange)
- Why do banks charge a fee for "insufficient funds" when they already know you don't have enough money? (this is really funny, and really true. of course, since they had to loan you some, they want extra back. but it's still funny!)
- How come someone will believe it when you say there are four billion stars, but they feel the need to check to see if the fresh paint is really still wet? (for me, it depends on the color of the paint. if it's pretty - like turquoise - I want to touch it. done deal)
- Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? (this is a fact that some people don't know, apparently... not all ethnicities grow facial/body hair. I had a friend who was part Native American, he didn't shave for the first time until his third year of college!)
- Whose idea was it to put an 's' in the word "lisp?" (I have no idea, but it makes me think of the Brady Bunch episode where Cindy does tongue twisters, LoL)
- If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? (another fact that some people just don't know... the way evolution works: not every animal has the same need to evolve, based on their environments and various other factors. So some apes evolved, while others did not, as there was no biological need)
- How come bubbles in the bath are always white, regardless of what color bubblebath you use? (... I didn't realize that bubblebath was more than one color. Apparently I'm too old to remember and too young to know)
- Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with the hope that something new to eat has materialized? (I've wondered this myself, and here are my thoughts... it depends on how hungry you are. The hungrier I get, the more willing I am to eat something that's not "first choice." So, while the fridge offered me nothing an hour ago, I might be desperate enough to eat something that's in there now)
- Why do people keep trying to run over a piece of string with a vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, and examine it, THEN put it back down so the vacuum cleaner has one more chance? (I've never heard of something so absurd. anyone every witnessed someone doing this??)
- How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures? (not really something that I've ever taken the time to ponder, and I don't really want to think about it now, either)

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