Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's in a Name?

Names. Usernames. IDs. Handles. Screen names. You know, that thing you go by online. Maybe you use the same sign-in for everything, or you change it all the time (although I doubt that). Maybe you change it every couple of years, to give yourself a fresh start. Maybe you categorize... use one handle for banking, another for discussion boards, and a different one for instant messaging. It doesn't really matter, until you have to try logging into a website four times, because you can't figure out your username (of course assuming you know the password!). It's not that big of a deal anymore, since many websites can remember your log-in information, but it can be a real hassle sometimes.

Me, I've had the same AIM name since November 1997. Fittingly, it's a very teenage screen name. I've thought about changing it for a few years now, particularly since it references a hobby that I no longer enjoy. When I started college I began using a different log-in for new things, and when I got married I started changing that one to something else (not one of those dorky MrsNewWife or anything. I just wanted something less identifying). But I just can't convince myself to switch to a new screen name.

Don't get me wrong, I've had many. When my mom first brought home AOL, she had it assign names for each of my siblings and I (even though my sister was all of seven years old). Of course, that one lasted about two hours, when I switched it. And when AIM first became popular, I ran names off of that AND AOL, simultaneously. I had a good 4-6 names on AIM. I only remember a couple now, but have no idea what the passwords are, so I couldn't get into them anyway. My final year of undergrad I added a second AIM name, mostly to encourage communication with my colleagues and residents (I was an RA). A year after I resigned, I had the troublesome job of letting all my contacts know that I was deleting that screen name, and I gave them my primary one.

Why can't I let go of my screen name? I've been trying to figure that one out for a long time now, and I think it's for two main reasons... First, I'm afraid to commit to a new one, in case I don't like it as much as I LOVED my current screen name for the first three years I had it. Second, I'm currently sitting at 97 buddies, and while I do periodic cleansings (or else I'd have at least 300), I don't really want to go through the process of telling everyone I switched, especially people who only sign on once a month.

Share your experience with me. Can you easily switch to a new name? Have you ever regretted it? How do you choose a new AIM name?

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