My first trip was in 2000 (HHN X), when the theme was "Not Afraid of the Dark? You Don't Know Jack." Jack was a clown, so there were a lot of scary clowns roaming the park. The only haunted house I vividly remember was 'Dark Torment,' where you rode Earthquake, then wound up walking in (what seemed like) circles through tunnels of demons. There was also a Festival of the Dead parade. But honestly, what stood out the most to me about that trip was what my friends and I did on the way up... we styled each other's hair in crazy 'dos. I had about fifteen tiny ponytails all over my head (which looked even more exciting since my hair was about 5 inches long). I did another girl's hair in spiraled coils. I thought they looked amazing, she was all but completely embarassed, LoL.
Two years later, for HHN XII, I went with a different group of friends. "Islands of Fear" was the theme, and it was a very interesting night. Originally, a little demented girl was the icon, and her playthings were going to control the houses. But, after a string of child abductions in Central Florida, the icon changed to a Caretaker. The villains ruled Superhero Island. There was a house of humanoid dinosaurs. 'Maximum Carnage' was also a memorable house, with superheroes dead at every turn. We also went to Bill & Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure, which was the highlight of the night for me. I think I'll always remember The Green Lantern ride in, and then use a remote to "lock and arm" his flying thing.
This past weekend, a mixture of the first two groups (plus some) went to HHN XVIII, "Reflections of Fear." As we entered the park, we walked through 'The Path of the Wicked' ScareZone. First we went to 'Creatures,' which was some sort of backwoods hillbilly house. It was a good first house.

The main thing that's changed (to me) are the lengths of the events. I remember going from like 7pm -2am the first time. But this year, it was just 6:30-midnight. But maybe that can be attributed to the different nights that we went. Also, now there are texting games you can play while waiting in the lines, giving you a heads-up on the house and its backstory. Lastly, I sort of wish the ScareZones would stay open a little later... we walked through 'Asylum in Wonderland' on our way out of the park, but since it was after midnight, there were no more 'scare actors,' so the park looked a little plain. Can't wait for another year!
I thought Interstellar Terror, while not scary, was cool. The text adventures were a nice touch; however, we never seemed to lose at them—perhaps surviving a horror adventure is easier than the movies let on… Too bad you missed Bill & Ted this year, it was definately a highlight.